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        Sanu'z World... is specially designed for electronics hobbyist. Here you can find some useful electronic projects with schematic and description, software's which will help you in building your Project, data-sheets of most used components and a  list of websites to get more stuff...

     Recently I've added a new section "M.Tech Assignment", where some C++, VHDL, MATLAB programs and project ideas for PIDE and FMPD subject are given. This section is specially added for the M.Tech ELDT students of Tezpur university.

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My Recent Project :

USB ISP Programmer for AVR Microcontroller :

        Previously parallel port programmer was the only good programmer as it could be used for any device. All device dependent information is stored in the programmer software on your computer. The problem is however that the parallel port is slowly disappearing. Notebook PC or Laptops don't have it either anymore. So it's the time to look for alternatives.

This given Programmer solved the above problem by choosing USB as the physical interface. The programmer firmware has no device dependent data. Therefore it works for almost any AVR microcontroller on the market and possible future microcontrollers.


A snap of my USB ISP Programmer.

It simply consists of an ATMega8 and some passive components. The programmer uses a firmware-only USB driver, no special USB controller is required.

The Programmer with 10 pin ISP Header



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