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USBasp ISP Programmer for AVRs:

      Previously parallel port programmer was the only good programmer as it could be used for any device. All device dependent information is stored in the programmer software on your computer. However the problem is that the parallel port is disappearing now a days. Notebook PC or Laptops don't have it either anymore. So it's the time to look for alternatives.

   This given Programmer solved the above problem by choosing USB as the physical interface. The programmer firmware has no device dependent data. Therefore it works for almost any AVR microcontroller.

   It simply consists of an ATMega8 or 48 and some passive components. The programmer uses a firmware-only USB driver, no special USB controller is required. However, the difficuilty is that first you need one programmer to load the .hex file on to the master microcontroller (ATmega8/48) used in this programmer. For this purpose, Simple ISP Programmer is effective as it is very simple and cheap.



   After constructing the programmer, when it will be connected to the computer (with Windows Xp) for the first time it will ask for its driver. Browse the Win-Driver folder and install it. In Windows-7 or Vista after connecting the programmer it will show "Device Not Recognized". Leave it connected and go to "Device Manager" on your computer, right click on the "Unrecognized Devive" and go to Properties -> Update driver and browse for the Win-Driver and Install.

   As far I know this programmer is not supported directlly by any of the compiler I used. Therefore you need AVR Dude to load the program (.hex) on to the target device. First copy the AVR Dude folder in to any of the hard drive on your computer. Run AVR Dude GUI.exe and configure it as shown below.


AVR GUI Setting:

1. Location of : Give location of "avrdude.exe"

2. Location of alternative: Give location of "avrdude.conf"

3. -p: select arget microcontroller

4. -c: select programmer "usb asp"

5. -P: leave it as it.

6. Select appropriate function eg. check "write" to load program in to the microcontroller.

7. Browse for the appropriate file (.HEX) to be loaded.

8. Uncheck all except -e (Perform a chip erase) and -F (Verify the device signature).

9. If you are going to verify the code on the chip, then uncheck -e (perform a chip erase), otherwise the chip will always be erased first and then verified. So you will get verification mismatch error.


AVR Dude

Win Driver and .hex file for master microcontroller

NOTE: The zeener diode and crystal should be of exact value. If the Vcc line of ISP Header is not connected to the Vcc pin of the target Microcontroller, power source of the target device should be turned ON.


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